
A tiny knowledge park.


List of descendants of


26 nodes total

1 Central Huishui Hmong 2 Central Mashan Hmong
3 Chuanqiandian Cluster Miao 4 Eastern Huishui Hmong
5 Eastern Qiandong Miao 6 Eastern Xiangxi Miao
7 Ge 8 Hmong Daw
9 Hmong Njua 10 Hmong Shua
11 Horned Miao 12 Large Flowery Miao
13 Luopohe Hmong 14 Northern Guiyang Hmong
15 Northern Huishui Hmong 16 Northern Mashan Hmong
17 Northern Qiandong Miao 18 Small Flowery Miao
19 Southern Guiyang Hmong 20 Southern Mashan Hmong
21 Southern Qiandong Miao 22 Southwestern Guiyang Hmong
23 Southwestern Huishui Hmong 24 Western Mashan Hmong
25 Western Xiangxi Miao

Requested by at 2024-04-23 10:38:41 Europe/Berlin.
