covers the "Formosan" grouping, part of the "Austronesian" intercontinental affinity; comprising 11 sets of languages (= 24 outer languages) spoken by communities on Taiwan island (Formosa): 30-A SQOLEQ+ SEDEQ 30-B BASAY+ KAVA 30-C SAISIYAT+ TAOKAS 30-D THAO 30-E TSOU+ KANABU 30-F HOANYA+ SIRAYA 30-G PAIWAN 30-H RUKAI 30-I BUNUN+ BUKUN 30-J PIYUMA+ PIMAMBA 30-K AMIS+ NATAORAN The languages covered by this zone display the greatest degree of internal diversity within the "Austronesian" affinity, but have been largely submerged < [79=] Min-nan (Chinese). |