covers the "South-Asia" reference area of languages not covered in any phylozone, including the Mon-Khmer grouping (46-D to 46-G; and also the broader "Austro-Asiatic" hypothesis = 46-C to 46-G, and perhaps also 46-B); comprising 11 sets of languages (= 85 outer languages) spoken by communities situated in South and Southeast Asia, from the western Himalayas to the Nicobar and Andaman islands and the South China Sea: 46-A BURUSHASKI+ WERSHIKWAR 46-B NIHALI 46-C SANTALI+ SORA 46-D KHASI+ KHAMANG 46-E VIÊT+ MUONG 46-F KHMAE+ KATU 46-G MON+ SEMAI 46-H TAIHLONG+ MILO 46-I AKACARI+ AKAJERU 46-J APUCIKWAR+ AKABEA 46-K JARAWA+ ONGE including 1 arterial language: [46=-E] Viêt (Vietnamese) |