
A tiny knowledge park.


List of descendants of

Prouvençau + Lengadocian

100 nodes total

1 51-AAA-ga Proensal-L. 2 51-AAA-gb Lengadocian
3 51-AAA-gba Occitan-F. 4 51-AAA-gbb Agenés
5 51-AAA-gbc Brageiragués 6 51-AAA-gbd Carcinòl
7 51-AAA-gbe Roërgàs 8 51-AAA-gbf Orlhagués + Carladésenc
9 51-AAA-gbg Barrasenc 10 51-AAA-gbh Gavaudanés
11 51-AAA-gbi Lozérien-NE. 12 51-AAA-gbj Mendois
13 51-AAA-gbk Cebenòl 14 51-AAA-gbl Lengadocian-E.
15 51-AAA-gbm Lengadocian-C. 16 51-AAA-gbn Foissenc
17 51-AAA-gbo Ariegés-S. 18 51-AAA-gc Prouvençau
19 51-AAA-gca Prouvençau-F. 20 51-AAA-gcb Coumtadin
21 51-AAA-gcc Arlaten 22 51-AAA-gcd Camarguen
23 51-AAA-gce Bagnoulen 24 51-AAA-gcf Nimoués
25 51-AAA-gcg Fourcauquieren + Manousquin 26 51-AAA-gch Aptois
27 51-AAA-gci Sestian 28 51-AAA-gcj Barjoulen + Draguignanen
29 51-AAA-gck Prouvençau-Castellane 30 51-AAA-gcl Marsihés
31 51-AAA-gcm Toulounen 32 51-AAA-gcn Maures
33 51-AAA-gco Grassenc 34 51-AAA-gcp Canenc
35 51-AAA-gd Nissart 36 51-AAA-gda Nissart-U.
37 51-AAA-gdb Nissart-N. 38 51-AAA-gdc Esteron
39 51-AAA-gdd Haute-Vésubie 40 51-AAA-ge "Oc-Cisalpin"
41 51-AAA-gea Limunenc 42 51-AAA-geb Antraigin
43 51-AAA-gec Aisonenc-Berbezan 44 51-AAA-ged Val-Grana
45 51-AAA-gee Val-Máira 46 51-AAA-gef Val-Varáita
47 51-AAA-geg Chisone 48 51-AAA-gf Gavouot
49 51-AAA-gfa Briançonnais 50 51-AAA-gfb Queirassenc
51 51-AAA-gfc Embrunés 52 51-AAA-gfd Valeien
53 51-AAA-gfe Gavuout-Tinée 54 51-AAA-gff Gavouot-Verdon
55 51-AAA-gfg Gavouot-Var 56 51-AAA-gfh Gavouot-La-Blanche
57 51-AAA-gfi Dignés 58 51-AAA-gfj Sisterounés
59 51-AAA-gfk Gavouot-Bochaine 60 51-AAA-gfl Gapian
61 51-AAA-gg "Vivaro-Dauphinois" 62 51-AAA-gga Ardèche-SE.
63 51-AAA-ggb Albenassien 64 51-AAA-ggc Privadois
65 51-AAA-ggd Boutierot 66 51-AAA-gge Vernoux + Doux
67 51-AAA-ggf Annonéen 68 51-AAA-ggg Valentinois
69 51-AAA-ggh Drômois-NE. 70 51-AAA-ggi Drômois-SE.
71 51-AAA-ggj Montilien 72 51-AAA-gh Auvergnat-S.
73 51-AAA-gha Cantalés 74 51-AAA-ghb Vellave-N.
75 51-AAA-ghc Vellave-S. 76 51-AAA-ghd Yssingelais
77 51-AAA-gi Auvergnat-N. 78 51-AAA-gia Forezien
79 51-AAA-gib Livradois 80 51-AAA-gic Clermontois
81 51-AAA-gid Issoirien 82 51-AAA-gie Brivadois
83 51-AAA-gif Monts-Dômes 84 51-AAA-gig Combraillais
85 51-AAA-gj Lemozin 86 51-AAA-gja Lemozin-N.
87 51-AAA-gjb Lemojaud 88 51-AAA-gjc Millevaches
89 51-AAA-gjd Corrézien 90 51-AAA-gje Sarladés
91 51-AAA-gjf Peiregordin 92 51-AAA-gjg Nontronés
93 51-AAA-gjh Montberonés 94 51-AAA-gji Saint-Eutrope
95 51-AAA-gk Marchois 96 51-AAA-gka Croissant-W.
97 51-AAA-gkb Marchois-C. 98 51-AAA-gkc Montluçonnais
99 51-AAA-gkd Croissant-E.

Requested by at 2024-09-19 05:43:58 Europe/Berlin.
