
A tiny knowledge park.


List of descendants of

Gallo + Wallon

128 nodes total

1 51-AAA-ha Parlange 2 51-AAA-haa Maraîchin
3 51-AAA-hab Poitevin-N. 4 51-AAA-hac Poitevin-W.
5 51-AAA-had Poitevin-C. 6 51-AAA-hae Poitevin-S.
7 51-AAA-haf Aunisien 8 51-AAA-hag Saintongeais
9 51-AAA-hah Angoumois 10 51-AAA-hai Gavache
11 51-AAA-hb Gallo 12 51-AAA-hba Malouin
13 51-AAA-hbb Bocage 14 51-AAA-hbc Rennais
15 51-AAA-hbd Châteaubriantais 16 51-AAA-hbe Nantais
17 51-AAA-hc Anglo-Normand 18 51-AAA-hca Dgernésiais-NW.
19 51-AAA-hcb Dgernésiais-S. 20 51-AAA-hcc Jèrriais-NW.
21 51-AAA-hcd Jèrriais-W. 22 51-AAA-hce Jèrriais-E.
23 51-AAA-hcf Sercquais 24 51-AAA-hcg Aurigniais
25 51-AAA-hd Normand 26 51-AAA-hda Cotentinais-N.
27 51-AAA-hdb Coutançais 28 51-AAA-hdc Calvadosien
29 51-AAA-hdd Lieuvin + Evrecin 30 51-AAA-hde Vexinois
31 51-AAA-hdf Roumois 32 51-AAA-hdg Cauchois
33 51-AAA-hdh Bray 34 51-AAA-he Picard
35 51-AAA-hea Laonnois 36 51-AAA-heb Vermandois
37 51-AAA-hec Noyonnais 38 51-AAA-hed Amiénois
39 51-AAA-hee Vimeu 40 51-AAA-hef Marquenterre
41 51-AAA-heg Boulonnais-Paysan 42 51-AAA-heh Boulonnais-Marin
43 51-AAA-hei Calaisien 44 51-AAA-hej Ternois
45 51-AAA-hek Arrageois 46 51-AAA-hel Ch-Ti-Mi
47 51-AAA-hem Hennuyer 48 51-AAA-hf Wallon
49 51-AAA-hfa Wallon-W. 50 51-AAA-hfb Wallon-C.
51 51-AAA-hfc Wallon-E. 52 51-AAA-hfd Wallon-S.
53 51-AAA-hfe Wallon-Américain 54 51-AAA-hg Champaignat
55 51-AAA-hga Bassignot + Langrois 56 51-AAA-hgb Sennonais
57 51-AAA-hgc Vallage 58 51-AAA-hgd Troyen
59 51-AAA-hge Briâd 60 51-AAA-hgf Côte-Champenoise
61 51-AAA-hgg Der + Perthois 62 51-AAA-hgh Rémois
63 51-AAA-hgi Argonnais-W. 64 51-AAA-hgj Porcien
65 51-AAA-hgk Ardennais 66 51-AAA-hgl Sugny
67 51-AAA-hh Lorrain 68 51-AAA-hha Argonnais
69 51-AAA-hhb Longovicien 70 51-AAA-hhc Gaumais
71 51-AAA-hhd Nancéin 72 51-AAA-hhe Spinalien
73 51-AAA-hhf Déodatien 74 51-AAA-hi Welche
75 51-AAA-hia Bruche 76 51-AAA-hib Villé
77 51-AAA-hic Lièpvre 78 51-AAA-hid Kaysersberg
79 51-AAA-hie Orbey 80 51-AAA-hj Jurassien
81 51-AAA-hja Saône-N. 82 51-AAA-hjb Doubs + Ognon
83 51-AAA-hjc Lomont + Doubs 84 51-AAA-hjd Ajulot
85 51-AAA-hje Vâdais 86 51-AAA-hjf Taignon
87 51-AAA-hk Bourguignon 88 51-AAA-hka Charollais
89 51-AAA-hkb Beaunois 90 51-AAA-hkc Auxois
91 51-AAA-hl Morvandiau 92 51-AAA-hla Morvandiau-N.
93 51-AAA-hlb Morvandiau-W. 94 51-AAA-hlc Morvandiau-SE.
95 51-AAA-hld Morvandiau-E. 96 51-AAA-hm Bourbonnais + Berrichon
97 51-AAA-hma Bourbonnais 98 51-AAA-hmb Nivernais
99 51-AAA-hmc Auxerrois 100 51-AAA-hmd Haut-Berrichon
101 51-AAA-hme Bas-Berrichon 102 51-AAA-hn Angevin + Orléanais
103 51-AAA-hna Orléanais 104 51-AAA-hnb Blésois
105 51-AAA-hnc Tourangeau 106 51-AAA-hnd Manceau
107 51-AAA-hne Angevin 108 51-AAA-hnf Mayennais
109 51-AAA-hng Avranchin + Mortainais 110 51-AAA-hnh Virois
111 51-AAA-hni Falaisien 112 51-AAA-hnj Varenne
113 51-AAA-hnk Hiémois-Séois 114 51-AAA-hnl Percheron
115 51-AAA-hnm Saint-André 116 51-AAA-hnn Thimerais
117 51-AAA-hno Chartrain 118 51-AAA-ho Acadjin
119 51-AAA-hoa Acadien-D'Acadie 120 51-AAA-hob Acadien-Québequois
121 51-AAA-hp Cajun 122 51-AAA-hpa "Marsh-French"
123 51-AAA-hpb "Prairie-French" 124 51-AAA-hpc "Big-Woods-French"
125 51-AAA-hq Canadien 126 51-AAA-hqa Québecois
127 51-AAA-hqb Joual

Requested by at 2024-09-10 13:41:18 Europe/Berlin.
