covers the "Inter-Ocean" reference area, composed of sets not covered by any phylozone; comprising 16 sets of languages (= 47 outer languages) spoken by communities in southern Meso-America and northern South America, from the Pacific to the Caribbean coast: 81-A MAM+ MATAGALPA 81-B PECH 81-C RAMA 81-D MALÉKU+ KWERESA 81-E NGOBERE+ TUKURÁ 81-F COFÁN 81-G PAÉZ+ COCONUCO 81-H COAIQUER+ TSÁCHI 81-I HIRAHARA+ GAYÓN 81-J TACAME 81-K PUMÉ 81-L TIMOTE+ MUCUCHI 81-M BETOY 81-N YURIMANGI 81-O CAMSÁ 81-P GUARAO including (with zone 87=) a number of languages sometimes known as 'macú', 'makú', 'maco', an unscientific term applied by outsiders to certain indigenous communities in the interior of Colombia and Venezuela, and in adjacent Brazil |