covers the "Amazon" reference area, composed of sets not covered by any phylozone; comprising 22 sets of languages (= 55 outer languages) spoken by communities in the Amazon basin of South America: 87-A AMIKOANA 87-B IAPAMA 87-C ARUTANI+ SAPÉ 87-D NANOMAM+ NINAM 87-E HOTÍ 87-F PIAROA+ SÁLIBA 87-G GUAHIBO+ CUIBA 87-H PUINAVE 87-I CACUA+ NADËB 87-J TINGUA+ PAMIGUA 87-K CUBEO+ DAHSEYÉ 87-L ABISHIRA 87-M TICUNA 87-N XIRIÂNA 87-O MUNICHE 87-P CAPANÁ+ PAUMARI 87-Q NEREYAMA 87-R PIRAHÃ + MATANAUI 87-S BARA 87-T HIMARIMA 87-U KARAHAWYANA 87-V WERIDJAPÁ + HEWADIE 87-W PAPAVÓ including (with zone 81=) a number of languages sometimes known as 'macú', 'makú', 'maco', an unscientific term applied by outsiders to certain indigenous communities in the interior of Colombia and Venezuela, and in adjacent Brazil |