covers the "Northeast Brazil" reference area, composed of sets not covered by any phylozone; comprising 11 sets of languages (= 14 outer languages) spoken or formerly spoken by communities in northeastern South America, in an area of Brazil centered on Bahia: 89-A UAMOÉ 89-B TUXÁ 89-C PANCARARÚ+ CARIRÍ 89-D FULNIÔ 89-E NATÚ 89-F CATEMBRÍ 89-G CAMACAN 89-H CUMANAXO+ CAPOXO 89-I PURI 89-J KRENAK 89-K OTI The indigenous languages of this reference area have now been almost totally submerged and replaced by [51=] Português. Dates of extinction (assumed to be in 20th cent., but may be earlier) need to be confirmed. |