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1-2 of 2 matches of 32810 nodes total

Match 1
ID a & Name b 57= ARMENIC phylozone
Zone f pdf
Page g 451
LSType i zone
Grouping j phylo
IsNotional k no
Notes l covers the "Armenian" or Hayeren set, part of the "Indo-European" intercontinental affinity; comprising 1 set of 1 outer-language spoken by communities in eastern Europe, in the valleys around Lake Sevan and in a former extension from the Mediterranean coast of Cilicia to the Caspian Sea, with worldwide migration: 57-A HAYEREN
Scale o 6
1 Set • 1 Chain • 1 Net • 1 OuterLanguage • 3 InnerLanguages • 31 Dialects • 1 ISO-639-Relative
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-5-Collective-hyx Armenian
GeoEntity C 1 Armenia | Azerbaijan | Egypt | France | Georgia | Iran | Iraq | Lebanon | Russia | Syria | Turkey | Ukraine | United States
Match 2
ID a & Name b 5= INDO-EUROPEAN phylosector
Page g 385
LSType i sector
Grouping j phylo
IsNotional k no
Notes l This phylosector covers 10 sets of languages (= 150 outer languages, comprising 873 inner languages) spoken traditionally by communities across much of Eurasia, from Iceland and the British Isles in the northwest to Sri Lanka in the south, constituting the Indo-European intercontinental affinity. During the last half millennium, languages of this phylosector (principally from zones 51=, 52=, 53= and 59=) have spread to all other continents of the world, and across northern Asia, and over half the world's population now speaks a language from this phylosector (as either primary or alternate voices). Zones 50= to 57= cover languages traditionally spoken in Europe, and 58= to 59= cover languages traditionally spoken in western and southern Asia. Zones are arranged in the approximate geographic order of their traditional areas in Eurasia, moving from northwestern Europe to southern Asia, and this order has no implication for prehistorical reconstructions: 50= CELTIC phylozone 51= ROMANIC phylozone 52= GERMANIC phylozone 53= SLAVIC phylozone 54= BALTIC phylozone 55= ALBANIC phylozone 56= HELLENIC phylozone 57= ARMENIC phylozone 58= IRANIC phylozone 59= INDIC phylozone
10 Zones • 10 Sets • 19 Chains • 49 Nets • 150 OuterLanguages • 868 InnerLanguages • 2628 Dialects • 565 ISO-639-Relatives
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-5-Collective-ine Indo-European

1-2 of 2 matches of 32810 nodes total

Requested by at 2024-04-19 12:28:29 Europe/Berlin.
