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1-10 of 17 matches of 32810 nodes total

Match 1
ID a & Name b 0= AFRICA geosector
Page g 38
LSType i sector
Grouping j geo
IsNotional k no
Notes l This geosector covers 44 sets of languages (237 outer languages, comprising 763 inner languages) spoken by communities across the African continent south of the Sahara, from West Africa to East Africa, and in southwestern Africa. These sets comprise all languages of Africa not covered by phylosectors 1=Afro-Asian, 3=Austronesian, 5=Indo-European and 9=Transafrican. Zones 00= to 07= cover languages spoken in a belt of great linguistic diversity, extending from Senegal to Tanzania: 00= MANDIC phylozone 01= SONGHAIC phylozone 02= SAHARIC phylozone 03= SUDANIC phylozone 04= NILOTIC phylozone 05= EAST-SAHEL geozone 06= KORDOFANIC phylozone 07= RIFT-VALLEY geozone Zones 08= to 09= cover languages spoken in Southwestern Africa, in and around the Kalahari desert: 08= KHOISANIC phylozone 09= KALAHARI geozone Languages of zones 00= and 01= have constituted a "Mande+ Songhai" hypothesis, and languages of zones 01= to 05= have constituted an overlapping "Nilo-Saharan" hypothesis. Languages of zones 00= and 06= have been included in the "Congo-Kordofanian" or "new Niger-Congo" hypothesis (together with languages of phylosector 9=), and languages of zones 08= (as "Central Khoisan") and 09= (as "North Khoisan" plus "South Khoisan") have constituted the major part of a "wider Khoisan" hypothesis.
10 Zones • 44 Sets • 78 Chains • 136 Nets • 237 OuterLanguages • 763 InnerLanguages • 578 Dialects • 294 ISO-639-Relatives
Match 2
ID a & Name b 2= AUSTRALASIA geosector
Page g 123
LSType i sector
Grouping j geo
IsNotional k no
Notes l This geosector covers 223 sets of languages (1167 outer languages, composed of 2258 inner languages) spoken or formerly spoken by communities in Australasia in a geographic sequence from Maluku and the Lesser Sunda islands through New Guinea and its adjacent islands, and throughout the Australian mainland to Tasmania. They comprise all languages ofAustralasia (Oceania) not covered by phylosectors 3=Austronesian or 5=Indo-European.Zones 20= to 24= cover all so-called "Papuan" languages, spoken on Maluku and the Lesser Sunda islands and the NewGuinea mainland, which have been previously treated within the "Trans-New Guinea" hypothesis: 20= ARAFURA geozone 21= MAMBERAMO geozone 22= MANDANGIC phylozone 23= OWALAMIC phylozone 24= TRANSIRIANIC phylozoneZones 25= to 27= cover all other so-called "Papuan" languages, on the New Guinea mainland, Bismarck archipelago, NewBritain, New Ireland and Solomon islands, which have not been treated within the "Trans-New Guinea" hypothesis: 25= CENDRAWASIH geozone 26= SEPIK-VALLEY geozone 27= BISMARCK-SEA geozoneZones 28= to 29= cover all languages spoken traditionally across the Australian mainland, on the offshore Elcho, Howard,Crocodile and Torres Strait islands (excluding Darnley island), and formerly on the island of Tasmania. An "Australian" hypothesis covers all these languages, excluding the extinct and little known languages of Tasmania, comprising (1.) an areaof more diffuse and complex relationships in the extreme north, covered here by geozone 28=, and (2.) a more closelyrelated affinity (Pama+ Nyungan) throughout the rest of Australia, covered by 24 of the 25 sets of phylozone 29=. Therelationships within the "Australian" and component "Pama+ Nyungan" hypotheses may be due as much to diffusion overtens of thousands of years as to inheritance from common prehistorical sources: 28= NORTH-AUSTRALIA geozone 29= TRANSAUSTRALIA geozone
10 Zones • 223 Sets • 477 Chains • 789 Nets • 1168 OuterLanguages • 2238 InnerLanguages • 108 Dialects • 15 ISO-639-Relatives
Match 3
ID a & Name b 30= TAIWANIC phylozone
Zone f pdf
Page g 225
LSType i zone
Grouping j phylo
IsNotional k no
Notes l covers the "Formosan" grouping, part of the "Austronesian" intercontinental affinity; comprising 11 sets of languages (= 24 outer languages) spoken by communities on Taiwan island (Formosa): 30-A SQOLEQ+ SEDEQ 30-B BASAY+ KAVA* 30-C SAISIYAT+ TAOKAS 30-D THAO 30-E TSOU+ KANABU 30-F HOANYA+ SIRAYA* 30-G PAIWAN 30-H RUKAI 30-I BUNUN+ BUKUN 30-J PIYUMA+ PIMAMBA 30-K AMIS+ NATAORAN The languages covered by this zone display the greatest degree of internal diversity within the "Austronesian" affinity, but have been largely submerged < [79=] Min-nan (Chinese).
Scale o 5
11 Sets • 17 Chains • 21 Nets • 24 OuterLanguages • 106 InnerLanguages • 20 Dialects • 16 ISO-639-Relatives
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-5-Collective-fox Formosan
GeoEntity C 1 China
Match 4
ID a & Name b 31-MFF-af Kenaboi
Zone f pdf
Page g 258
LSName h kenaboi
LSType i inner language
IsNotional k yes
Notes l orang kenaboi, "post-kenaboi-austronesian"
Scale o 0*
GeoEntity C 1 Malaysia
Match 5
ID a & Name b 31= HESPERONESIC phylozone
Zone f pdf
Page g 230
LSType i zone
Grouping j phylo
IsNotional k no
Notes l covers the "Hesperonesian" grouping, part of the "Austronesian" intercontinental affinity; comprising 18 sets of languages (= 462 outer languages) spoken by communities from western Pacific to Indian Ocean, on most islands from Philippines and Celebes through Java, mainland Southeast Asia, Hainan, Borneo and Sumatra to Madagascar: 31-A ARTA* 31-B DITAYLIN+ KABALUWEN* 31-C TAGALOG+ ILOCANO 31-D BLAAN+ GIANGAN 31-E SAMA+ BAJAW 31-F IDA'AN+ BAGAHAK 31-G TAMBANUA+ SUMAMBUQ 31-H LUNDAYE+ KELABIT 31-I BINTULU+ BURUSU 31-J MODANG+ TUBU 31-K JAGOI+ AHE* 31-L MAANYAN+ MERINA 31-M MALAYU+ CHAM 31-N BUGIS+ GORONTALO 31-O SANGIR+ TONDANO 31-P PALAU 31-Q YAP 31-R CHAMORRO including 3 arterial languages: [31=-C] Tagalog (Filipino); [31=-M] Malay with Indonesian; [31=-M] Jawa (Javanese)
Scale o 8
18 Sets • 53 Chains • 163 Nets • 462 OuterLanguages • 1367 InnerLanguages • 215 Dialects • 468 ISO-639-Relatives
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-5-Collective-poz Malayo-Polynesian | ISO-639-5-Collective-pqw Western Malayo-Polynesian
GeoEntity C 1 Brunei Darussalam | Cambodia | Guam | Indonesia | Madagascar | Malaysia | Micronesia | New Caledonia | Northern Mariana Islands | Philippines | Singapore | Sri Lanka | Thailand | Vietnam | Suriname | French Guiana
Match 6
ID a & Name b 32= MESONESIC phylozone
Zone f pdf
Page g 272
LSType i zone
Grouping j phylo
IsNotional k no
Notes l covers the "Mesonesian" grouping, part of the "Austronesian" intercontinental affinity; comprising 5 sets of languages (= 136 outer languages) spoken by communities in Oceanic Asia & Australasia, on islands of the Nusa Tenggara and Maluku archipelagos: 32-A BIMA+ SUMBA* 32-B TETUN+ SIKKA* 32-C WAIMA'A+ HABU* 32-D YAMDENA+ TELUTI 32-E RANA+ FAGUDU
Scale o 6
5 Sets • 17 Chains • 56 Nets • 136 OuterLanguages • 352 InnerLanguages • 58 Dialects • 3 ISO-639-Relatives
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-5-Collective-poz Malayo-Polynesian
GeoEntity C 1 Indonesia | Timor-Leste
Match 7
ID a & Name b 33-AD Biak + Waropen
Zone f pdf
Page g 284
LSType i chain
IsNotional k no
Notes l "geelvink-bay austronesian", teluk-cendrawasih
9 Nets • 23 OuterLanguages • 62 InnerLanguages • 34 Dialects
Match 8
ID a & Name b 33= HALMAYAPENIC phylozone
Zone f pdf
Page g 283
LSType i zone
Grouping j phylo
IsNotional k no
Notes l covers the "Halmahera+ Yapen", Makian+ Biak set, part of the "Austronesian" intercontinental affinity; comprising 1 set of languages (= 42 outer languages) spoken by communities in Oceanic Asia / Australasia, from Halmahera island in Maluku to Yapen island in Irian Jaya: 33-A MAKIAN+ BIAK
Scale o 5
1 Set • 4 Chains • 18 Nets • 42 OuterLanguages • 109 InnerLanguages • 39 Dialects
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-5-Collective-poz Malayo-Polynesian
GeoEntity C 1 Indonesia
Match 9
ID a & Name b 34-GBC-bb Hiri-Motu-W.
Zone f pdf
Page g 299
LSName h hiri-motu-W.
LSType i inner language
IsNotional k no
Notes l "austronesian" hiri-motu ⊕ Gulf of Papua (coastal regions)...
Scale o 4
GeoEntity C 1 Papua New Guinea
Match 10
ID a & Name b 34= NEOGUINEIC phylozone
Zone f pdf
Page g 287
LSType i zone
Grouping j phylo
IsNotional k no
Notes l covers the "Northeast New Guinea" reference area, part of the "Oceanic" affinity within the "Austronesian" intercontinental affinity; comprising 7 sets of languages (= 173 outer languages) spoken by communities in Australasia, on the northeast mainland of New Guinea: 34-A SOBEI+ YOTAFA 34-B TAKIA+ BUKAUA 34-C ADZERA+ SILISILI 34-D BUANG+ PIU 34-E KOSIRAVA+ UIAKU 34-F DOBU+ UBIR 34-G MOTU+ MEKEO
Scale o 5
7 Sets • 39 Chains • 92 Nets • 173 OuterLanguages • 408 InnerLanguages • 31 Dialects • 1 ISO-639-Relative
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-5-Collective-poz Malayo-Polynesian
GeoEntity C 1 Indonesia | Papua New Guinea

1-10 of 17 matches of 32810 nodes total

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