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1-5 of 5 matches of 32810 nodes total

Match 1
ID a & Name b 12-AAA-aj Nasoraye
Zone f pdf
Page g 86
LSName h nasoraye
LSType i inner language
IsNotional k no
Notes l nasooraye, "neo-mandaean", "modern mandaean", "modern mandiac", sabaean, "neo-mandaean christian" community ⊕ Karun valley
2 Dialects
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-3-Language-mid Mandaic
GeoEntity C 1 Iran | Iraq
Match 2
ID a & Name b 3= AUSTRONESIAN phylosector
Page g 225
LSType i sector
Grouping j phylo
IsNotional k no
Notes l This phylosector covers 72 sets of languages (1,179 outer languages, comprising 3,182 inner languages) spoken by predominantly island-dwelling communities, located from the western Indian Ocean to the eastern Pacific and constituting the Austronesian intercontinental affinity. They extend more than half-way around the planet (eastwards from 43o E to 109o W; see note under phylozone 39=), and have also been associated with the languages of phylozone 47=Daic, within the "Austro-Tai" hypothesis. Zone 30= covers languages spoken on the island of Taiwan (Formosa), and zone 31= covers languages spoken by communities situated on most of the islands from the Philippines and the Celebes through Java, Southeast Asia (including Hainan island in China), Borneo and Sumatra to Madagascar: 30=TAIWANIC 31=HESPERONESIC Zones 32= to 39= cover languages spoken on most of the islands from the Nusa Tenggera archipelago through New Guinea and across the Pacific, as far as New Zealand / Aotearoa, French Polynesia and Hawaii: 32=MESONESIC 33=HALMAYAPENIC 34=NEOGUINEIC 35=MANUSIC 36=SOLOMONIC 37=KANAKIC 38=WESTPACIFIC 39=TRANSPACIFIC
10 Zones • 72 Sets • 194 Chains • 521 Nets • 1179 OuterLanguages • 3181 InnerLanguages • 407 Dialects • 517 ISO-639-Relatives
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-5-Collective-map Austronesian
Match 3
ID a & Name b 47= DAIC phylozone
Zone f pdf
Page g 372
LSType i zone
Grouping j phylo
IsNotional k no
Notes l covers the "Daic", "wider Kadai" or Thai+ Gelao set, part of the "Austro-Tai" hypothesis (with languages of phylosector 3=Austronesian); comprising 1 set of languages (= 26 outer languages) spoken by communities in Southeast Asia, from northeastern India to southwestern China: 47-A THAI+ GELAO including 1 arterial language: Thai with Isan & Lao
Scale o 7
1 Set • 9 Chains • 15 Nets • 26 OuterLanguages • 108 InnerLanguages • 117 Dialects • 68 ISO-639-Relatives
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-5-Collective-tai Tai
GeoEntity C 1 Myanmar | Cambodia | China | Lao People’s Democratic Republic | India | Thailand | Vietnam
Match 4
ID a & Name b 4= EURASIA geosector
Page g 331
LSType i sector
Grouping j geo
IsNotional k no
Notes l This gesector covers 35 sets of languages (= 219 outer languages, comprising 680 inner languages) spoken by communities across Eurasia, from western Europe to eastern Asia. These sets comprise all indigenous languages of Eurasia (Europe plus continental Asia, including the islands of India and Japan) which are excluded from the phylosectors 1=Afro-Asian, 5=Indo-European and 7=Sino-Tibetan. Zone 40= covers one outer-language, spoken from the Bay of Biscay in Western Europe, astride the western Pyrenees mountains, and zones 41= and 42= cover languages spoken in central and eastern Europe, including the Caucasus. 40=EUSKARIC phylozone 41=URALIC phylozone 42=CAUCASUS geozone Zones 43= to 45= cover northern and central Asia, from Siberia to Turkey and Japan, with some overlap into Europe. Zone 44= corresponds to the area of the "Altaic" hypthesis, and zones 44= and 45= to the "wider Altaic" hypothesis. 43=SIBERIA geozone 44=TRANSASIA geozone 45=EAST-ASIA geozone Zones 46= to 49= cover Southern (including South-east) continental Asia. Zone 46= covers all Southern Asian languages which are not included under the Tai+ Kadi affinity (zone 47=), the Miao+Yao, Hmong+ Mien set (zone 48=) and the Dravidian grouping (zone 49=), or under any phylosector. 46=SOUTH-ASIA geozone 47=DAIC phylozone 48=MIENIC phylozone 49=DRAVIDIC phylozone
10 Zones • 35 Sets • 63 Chains • 114 Nets • 219 OuterLanguages • 678 InnerLanguages • 1505 Dialects • 503 ISO-639-Relatives
Match 5
ID a & Name b 79-AAA-bee Ding-Ba
Zone f pdf
Page g 558
LSName h ding-ba
LSType i dialect
IsNotional k no
Notes l part of bao-tang, part of jilu+ beijing "transitional" ⊕ Juma-he basin... Tang-he+ Zhulong-he basin... "Grand Canal": Yongqing+ Jinghai+ Daicheng environs
GeoEntity C 1 China

1-5 of 5 matches of 32810 nodes total

Requested by at 2024-04-19 08:32:34 Europe/Berlin.
