1-1 of 1 match of 32810 nodes total |
Match 1 |
id name |
00-AAA-be Wasulunka-Kan |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 0-Zones 00-04.pdf |
lsrType |
inner language |
notes |
wasulunka, wasulu, wassulu, wassulunka, wassulunke, fula-bambara, in [51=] Français: ouassoulounké |
lsrCountry |
Guinea (Kankan); Mali (Sikasso); Côte d'Ivoire (Odienné) |
scale |
100.000 – 1.000.000 |
GeoEntity |
af•w•GN Guinea
| af•w•ML Mali
| af•w•CI Côte d’Ivoire
1-1 of 1 match of 32810 nodes total |