1-3 of 3 matches of 32810 nodes total |
Match 1 |
id name |
28-SBB Wambaya + Gudandji |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 2-Zones 25-29.pdf |
lsrType |
net |
Match 2 |
id name |
28-SBB-a Wambaya + Gudandji |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 2-Zones 25-29.pdf |
lsrType |
outer language |
notes |
⊕ Ashburton Range massif... Barkly Tableland-N. plateau |
lsrCountry |
Australia (N.T.) |
scale |
1 – 100 |
GeoEntity |
au Australia
Match 3 |
id name |
28-SBB-ac Gudandji |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 2-Zones 25-29.pdf |
lsrType |
inner language |
notes |
kutandji, ngandji, kurandji, anjee, gnanji, goarango, godangee, gurandji ⊕ McArthur headwaters... Anthony Lagoon |
lsrCountry |
Australia (N.T.) |
scale |
1 – 100 |
GeoEntity |
au Australia
1-3 of 3 matches of 32810 nodes total |