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1-10 of 145 matches of 32810 nodes total

Match 1
ID a & Name b 00-ABA-ba Loma
Zone f pdf
Page g 41
LSName h loma
LSType i inner language
IsNotional k no
Notes l loghoma, lorma, 'bouze', 'busy', 'buzi'
Scale o 5
4 Dialects
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-3-Language-lom Loma
GeoEntity C 1 Liberia
Match 2
ID a & Name b 06-BAC-bd Igwormany
Zone f pdf
Page g 72
LSName h igwormany
LSType i inner language
IsNotional k no
Notes l ⊕ Lormany
GeoEntity C 1 Sudan
Match 3
ID a & Name b 09= KALAHARI geozone
Zone f pdf
Page g 78
LSType i zone
Grouping j geo
IsNotional k no
Notes l covers the Kalahari reference area (within the "wider Khoisan" hypothesis), composed of the "North-Khoisan" set 09-A plus the remaining sets within the "South-Khoisan" hypothesis; comprising 5 sets of languages (= 14 outer languages) spoken by hunter-gatherer communities in Southwestern Africa, in and around the Kalahari desert and Orange basin: 09-A XUNG+ Q'O-Q'XUNG 09-B C'WI+ NC'USAN 09-C NC'HU+ L'KUL'E 09-D L'XEGWI+ L'XOGWI 09-E C'XAM+ 'KATKOP'* Certain languages (indicated by a star *) and the final set of languages (09-E C'xam+ 'Katkop'*) are classified notionally, in the absence of adequate or consistent information The symbols used conventionally to transcribe consonantal clicks in many language-names within zones 08= and 09= are recorded in column 3, but these symbols have been converted to Latin alphabetic characters for the spelling and indexing of reference-names (all names in column 2, and bold names in column 3) as follows: p'=bilabial click ʘ c'=dental click / t'= dento-alveolar click ǁ q'=retroflex click ! l'=lateral click //.
Scale o 4
5 Sets • 7 Chains • 10 Nets • 14 OuterLanguages • 57 InnerLanguages • 10 Dialects • 4 ISO-639-Relatives
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-5-Collective-khi Khoisan
GeoEntity C 1 Angola | Botswana | Lesotho | Namibia | South Africa
Match 4
ID a & Name b 12-AAC-a 'Arabiyya-A.
Zone f pdf
Page g 86
LSName h 'Arabiyya-A.
LSType i outer language
IsNotional k no
Notes l faşīħ, fasih, "formal written arabic", "classical arabic"+ "neoclassical arabic" based on the written language of the Quran and the Hadith, preserved and used with little fundamental change until modern times, except for the generation and addition of new vocabulary
Scale o 7
2 InnerLanguages • 2 Dialects • 2 ISO-639-Relatives
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-3-Language-arb Standard Arabic
GeoEntity C 1 Morocco | Mauritania | Algeria | Tunisia | Libya | Egypt | Sudan | Saudi Arabia | Palestine | Israel | Jordan | Lebanon | Syria | Iraq | Bahrain | Kuwait | Oman | Qatar | United Arab Emirates | Yemen | Djibouti | Somalia | Ethiopia | Chad
Match 5
ID a & Name b 12-AAC-ab Al-'Arabiyya-F.
Zone f pdf
Page g 86
LSName h al-'arabiyya-F.
LSType i inner language
IsNotional k no
Notes l al-fusha, "formal modern arabic", "modern standard arabic", "neo-arabic", "neoclassical arabic", lughatu-es-sahafa (=«language of the press»)
2 Dialects
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-3-Language-abv Baharna Arabic | ISO-639-3-Language-arb Standard Arabic
GeoEntity C 1 Algeria | Saudi Arabia | Bahrain | Djibouti | Egypt | United Arab Emirates | Ethiopia | Iraq | Jordan | Kuwait | Lebanon | Libya | Morocco | Oman | Qatar | Somalia | Sudan | Syria | Tanzania | Chad | Yemen
Match 6
ID a & Name b 12-AAC-eaa Cairene-F.
Zone f pdf
Page g 88
LSName h cairene-F.
LSType i dialect
IsNotional k no
Notes l "formal cairo arabic", in [51=] Français: cairote ⊕ el-Qahira, Cairo, Caïre...
GeoEntity C 1 Egypt
Match 7
ID a & Name b 12-AAC-ehx Kormakiti
Zone f pdf
Page g 90
LSName h kormakiti
LSType i dialect
IsNotional k no
Notes l "cypriot arabic"; maronite cypriot community, part of maronite, maronite christian community ⊕ Kormakiti
Scale o 3
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-3-Language-acy Cypriot Arabic
GeoEntity C 1 Cyprus
Match 8
ID a & Name b 12-AAC-i Jakatī
Zone f pdf
Page g 92
LSName h Jakatī
LSType i outer language
IsNotional k yes
Notes l jat; jati; jatu, kayani, musali; jakati semi-nomadic community ¶ apparently originating in Afghanistan, Pakistan or India, but all information on this community and their language remains to be confirmed # name perhaps related to that of [59=] Jad-gali (Jat) in Pakistan
Scale o 5
2 InnerLanguages
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-3-Language-jat Jakati
GeoEntity C 1 Moldova | Ukraine | Russia | Afghanistan | Uzbekistan | Tajikistan
Match 9
ID a & Name b 12-ACB-aa Amarinya-F.
Zone f pdf
Page g 93
LSName h amarinya-F.
LSType i inner language
IsNotional k no
Notes l "formal standard amharic"
Scale o 7
GeoEntity C 1 Ethiopia
Match 10
ID a & Name b 14-FBA-ai Orma
Zone f pdf
Page g 99
LSName h orma
LSType i inner language
IsNotional k no
Notes l part of oromo-S.
Scale o 4
3 Dialects
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-3-Language-orc Orma
GeoEntity C 1 Kenya | Ethiopia

1-10 of 145 matches of 32810 nodes total

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