1-4 of 4 matches of 32810 nodes total |
Match 1 |
id name |
05-PBA-bc Tug-A-Suri |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 0-Zones 05-09.pdf |
lsrType |
inner language |
notes |
suri-E., shuri, churi, dhuri, surma "proper", dhuak-E. ⊕ # tug-a-suri =«mouth of suri» |
lsrCountry |
Ethiopia (Kefa) |
scale |
10.000 – 100.000 |
ISO-639 |
Tirmaga-Chai Suri
GeoEntity |
af•e•ET Ethiopia
Match 2 |
id name |
29-LAA-aa Wiradhuri |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 2-Zones 25-29.pdf |
lsrType |
inner language |
notes |
wiradjuri, berrembeel, warandgeri, werogery, wiiratheri, wira-athoree, wiraduri, wirajeree, wirashuri, wiratheri, wirracharee, wiraidyuri, wirrai'yarrai, wooragurie, wordjerg |
lsrCountry |
Australia (N.S.W.; Victoria adjacent) |
scale |
extinct since 1900 |
GeoEntity |
au Australia
Match 3 |
id name |
45-CAC-aia Shuri |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 4-Zones 45-49.pdf |
lsrType |
dialect |
notes |
shuri-naha, okinawa-go "proper", "okinawan", "ryukyuan inter-island vehicular" ⊕ Okinawa-S.>used as vehicular among Ryukyan islands |
lsrCountry |
(Okinawa) |
GeoEntity |
as•e•JP Japan
Match 4 |
id name |
58-AAC-ch Tangshewi |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 5-Zones 55-59.pdf |
lsrType |
inner language |
notes |
tangshuri transition < [58=] Tajiki |
lsrCountry |
Afghanistan (Badakhshan-NE.) |
GeoEntity |
as•s•AF Afghanistan
1-4 of 4 matches of 32810 nodes total |