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1-10 of 12 matches of 32810 nodes total

Match 1
ID a & Name b 14-FBA-ad Wello
Zone f pdf
Page g 98
LSName h wello
LSType i inner language
IsNotional k no
Notes l wallo, wollo, part of oromo-N.
GeoEntity C 1 Ethiopia
Match 2
ID a & Name b 51-AAA-gk Marchois
Zone f pdf
Page g 396
LSName h marchois
LSType i inner language
IsNotional k no
Notes l in [51=] Français: parlers du Croissant transition < [51=] Gallo+ Wallon (Limousin-N.; Auvergne-N.) (Peripheral Oïl)
Scale o 3
4 Dialects
GeoEntity C 1 France
Match 3
ID a & Name b 51-AAA-h Gallo + Wallon
Zone f pdf
Page g 396
LSName h Gallo + Wallon
LSType i outer language
IsNotional k no
Notes l "Peripheral" Oïl, "peripheral" langues d'oïl; part of gallo-romance-N. ⊕ idioms listed clockwise in spiral sequence (excluding Central Oïl, i.e. French), plus "transatlantic" langues d'oïl ; widely submerged < regional forms of [51=] Français translingual < [51=] Français 𝒮 from 9th cent.: Latin script # oïl =Old Gallo-Romance-N.«yes», in opposition to oc =Old Gallo-Romance-S.«yes»
Script n Latin
Scale o 7
17 InnerLanguages • 110 Dialects • 3 ISO-639-Relatives
GeoEntity C 1 France | United Kingdom | Belgium | Luxembourg | Schweiz | Canada | United States
Match 4
ID a & Name b 51-AAA-hf Wallon
Zone f pdf
Page g 398
LSName h wallon
LSType i inner language
IsNotional k no
Notes l walon, oïl-NE., "walloon", in [52=] Nederlands: waalsch ¶ officially recognised in francophone Belgium as an endogenous language (langue endogène)
Scale o 5
5 Dialects
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-1-Language-wa Walloon
GeoEntity C 1 Belgium | Luxembourg | France
Match 5
ID a & Name b 51-AAA-hfa Wallon-W.
Zone f pdf
Page g 398
LSName h wallon-W.
LSType i dialect
IsNotional k no
Notes l "walloon"-W., wallo-picard transition < [51=] Picard ⊕ Nivelles... Louvière+ Charleroi+ Thuin... Philippeville+ Fagnes-E. country... Botte of Givet-W. enclave (Meuse left-bank)
GeoEntity C 1 Belgium | France
Match 6
ID a & Name b 51-AAA-hfb Wallon-C.
Zone f pdf
Page g 398
LSName h wallon-C.
LSType i dialect
IsNotional k no
Notes l "walloon"-C., "wider" namurois, including hesbignon-W.... namurwès, namurois "proper"... condruzien-W.... li famène-W.... ardennais namurois ⊕ Hesbaye-W. country... Namur... Condroz-W. country... Dinant... Famenne-W. country... Ardennes Belges-W. country... Botte of Givet-E. enclave (Meuse right-bank)
GeoEntity C 1 Belgium | France
Match 7
ID a & Name b 51-AAA-hfc Wallon-E.
Zone f pdf
Page g 398
LSName h wallon-E.
LSType i dialect
IsNotional k no
Notes l "walloon"-E., "wider" liégeois, including hesbignon-E.... lîdjwès, liégeois (Wallonie: Liège) "proper"... condruzien-E... verviétois+ hervien ... malmédien... ardennais liégeois ⊕ Hesbaye-E. country... Liège... Condroz-E. country... Verniers+ Pays de Herve country... Malmédy country... Ardennes (Belges)-NE. country
GeoEntity C 1 Belgium
Match 8
ID a & Name b 51-AAA-hfd Wallon-S.
Zone f pdf
Page g 398
LSName h wallon-S.
LSType i dialect
IsNotional k no
Notes l "walloon"-S., wallo-lorrain, including li famène-E.... ardennais liègeois... transition < [51=] Lorrain ⊕ Famenne-E. country... Ardennes belges-C. country... Neufchâteau... Bastogne ... Luxemburg-NW. grand-duchy
GeoEntity C 1 Belgium | Luxembourg
Match 9
ID a & Name b 51-AAA-hfe Wallon-Américain
Zone f pdf
Page g 398
LSName h wallon-américain
LSType i dialect
IsNotional k no
Notes l part of "transatlantic" langues d'oïl ⊕ Lake Michigan: Green Bay
GeoEntity C 1 United States
Match 10
ID a & Name b 51-AAA-id Français-G.
Zone f pdf
Page g 400
LSName h français-G.
LSType i inner language
IsNotional k no
Notes l français populaire de France, "generalised french", franco-français, "franco-french", including les dialectes régionaux français, les français régionaux de France, "french regional dialects" ⊕ northern idioms listed clockwise in spiral sequence, followed by Français méridional (excluding Français germanique) transition < [51=] Gallo+ Wallon (Peripheral Oïl), Lyonnais+ Valdôtain (Franco-Provençal), Prouvençau+ Lengadocian & Gascou+ Biarnés (Oc)
Scale o 7
19 Dialects
GeoEntity C 1 France

1-10 of 12 matches of 32810 nodes total

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