
A tiny knowledge park.




id name
52-ACB-h Auswanderungsdeutsch
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 5-Zones 50-54.pdf
outer language
part of "expatriate german" ¶ this notional outer-language represents a socio-linguistic category. The component communities share (with [52=]Yiddish-E.) a common history of German primary language maintenance in an expatriate environment, with frequent exchanges and links among themselves, and with a commonly occurring duality between the conservation of traditional spoken idioms (and amalgamations of traditional idioms) and the cultivation of formal written German (Hochdeutsch). The overlap and interchange among forms of North, Central, South and Swiss German (see [52=] Deutsch-N., Deutsch-C., Deutsch-S. and Schwytzertütsch) make it more convenient to treat these expatriate idioms (and communities) together, listing them in the approximate chronological order of their original departure from the German-speaking heartland. Most speakers of German idioms in eastern Europe (excluding Romania) were displaced in or after 1945, with many fleeing to Germany. 𝒮 Latin script
Romania; Moldova; Croatia; Czech Rep.; Slovakia; Poland; Ukraine; Russia; Georgia; Kazakhstan; Kirghizstan; Uzbekistan; Tajikistan; USA; Canada; Mexico; Costa-Rica; Bolivia; Paraguay; Uruguay; Argentina; Brazil; South Africa; Australia; Papua-New Guinea; exodus from 1945 of members of many communities in eastern Europe, especially to Germany
1.000.000 – 10.000.000
eu•se•RO Romania | eu•e•MD Moldova | eu•se•HR Croatia | eu•c•CZ Česko | eu•c•SK Slovensko | eu•c•PL Polska | eu•e•UA Ukraine | eu•e•RU Russia | as•w•GE Georgia | as•c•KZ Kazakhstan | as•c•KG Kyrgyzstan | as•c•UZ Uzbekistan | as•c•TJ Tajikistan | na•US United States | na•CA Canada | na•MX Mexico | na•Central•CR Costa Rica | sa•BO Bolivia | sa•PY Paraguay | sa•UY Uruguay | sa•AR Argentina | sa•BR Brazil | af•s•ZA South Africa | au Australia | oc•pac•ME•PG Papua New Guinea
22 subdivisions
52-ACB-ha Siebenbürgersächsisch
52-ACB-hb Zipfer-Sächsisch
52-ACB-hc Hutterer-Deutsch
52-ACB-hd Mennoniten-Plaut
52-ACB-he Pennsylvanisch-Dietsch
52-ACB-hf Esserisch
52-ACB-hg Galizisch-Pfälzisch
52-ACB-hh Banater-Schwäbisch
52-ACB-hi Oberwischauisch
10  52-ACB-hj Sathmarisch
11  52-ACB-hk Bukowina-Deutsch
12  52-ACB-hl Schwarzmeer-Deutsch
13  52-ACB-hm Wolga-Deutsch
14  52-ACB-hn Mittelasiatisches-Deutsch
15  52-ACB-ho Argentinien-Schwyzertütsch
16  52-ACB-hp Brazilien-Deutsch
17  52-ACB-hq Lagunen-Deutsch
18  52-ACB-hr Texasdeutsch
19  52-ACB-hs Amana-Deutsch
20  52-ACB-ht Natalerdeutsch
21  52-ACB-hu Unser-Deutsch
22  52-ACB-hv Templer-Schwäbisch

2025-02-15 05:21:52 Europe/Berlin.
