
A tiny knowledge park.

ID a Name b 28= NORTHAUSTRALIA geozone
ID a 28= index
Zone f pdf
Page g 198
LSType i zone
Grouping j geo
IsNotional k no
Notes l covers the "North-Australia" reference area (within the "Australian" hypothesis); comprising 21 sets of languages (85 outer languages) spoken or formerly spoken by hunter-gatherer communities (or descendants of former hunter-gatherers) across the far-north of Australia: 28-A BAADI+ YAWURU 28-B BUNABA+ GUNIANDI 28-C WORORA+ NGARINYIN 28-D KITJA+ MIRIWUNG 28-E DJAMINDJUNG+ NUNGALI 28-F MURRINHPATHA+ NANGIOMERI* 28-G KUNGARAKANY 28-H LARAGIA+ WULNA 28-I TIWI 28-J UMBUGARLA+ BUGUNIDJA* 28-K GAGADU 28-L ERRE+ MANGERR 28-M IWAIDJA+ AMARAG 28-N DJEEBBANA+ GUJINGALIA 28-O WAGEMAN+ GUNWINGGU 28-P ANINDILYAKWA 28-Q ALAWA+ GARYIMAR 28-R YANYUWA 28-S JINGILI+ WAMBAYA 28-T GARAWA+ WANJI 28-U MINGIN Only 14 among 298 surviving outer-languages in zones 28= and 29= (marked ✓) are likely to have totalled 1,000 or more voices each in 1999: see note under geozone 29=.
Scale o 3
21 Sets • 38 Chains • 58 Nets • 85 OuterLanguages • 119 InnerLanguages
ISO-639 A ISO-639-5-Collective-aus Australian
GeoEntity C Australia
21 Nodes assigned
1 28-A Baadi + Yawuru
2 28-B Bunaba + Guniandi
3 28-C Worora + Ngarinyin
4 28-D Kitja + Miriwung
5 28-E Djamindjung + Nungali
6 28-F Murrinhpatha + Nangiomeri
7 28-G Kungarakany
8 28-H Laragia + Wulna
9 28-I Tiwi
10 28-J Umbugarla + Bugunidja
11 28-K Gagadu
12 28-L Erre + Mangerr
13 28-M Iwaidja + Amarag
14 28-N Djeebbana + Gujingalia
15 28-O Wageman + Gunwinggu
16 28-P Anindilyakwa
17 28-Q Alawa + Garyimar
18 28-R Yanyuwa
19 28-S Jingili + Wambaya
20 28-T Garawa + Wanji
21 28-U Mingin

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