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ID a Name b 52-ACB-d Deutsch-C.
ID a 52-ACB-d index
Zone f pdf
Page g 430
LSName h Deutsch-C.
LSType i outer language
IsNotional k no
Notes l Middle-German, mitteldeutsch, "german"-C. ➤ including traditional Central or Middle German dialects, the Berlin-Brandenburg "urban counterstream", and modern standard German (Hochdeutsch) transition < [52=] Deutsch-N. and [52=] Deutsch-S. 𝒮 Latin script
Script n Latin
Scale o 8
15 InnerLanguages • 113 Dialects • 2 ISO-639-Relatives
ISO-639 A ISO-639-1-Language-de German
GeoEntity C Deutschland | Belgium | Luxembourg | France | Česko | Polska | Estonia | Latvia | Lithuania | Belarus | Russia | Ukraine | Slovensko | Moldova | Romania | Kazakhstan | Kyrgyzstan | Tajikistan | Israel | United States | Canada | South America | Namibia | South Africa | Australia
15 Nodes assigned
1 52-ACB-da Ripwarisch
2 52-ACB-db Letzebürgesch
3 52-ACB-dc Moselfränkisch
4 52-ACB-dd Lothringisch
5 52-ACB-de Westpfälzisch
6 52-ACB-df Vorderpfälzisch
7 52-ACB-dg Nordbadisch
8 52-ACB-dh Hessisch + Nassauisch
9 52-ACB-di Niederhessisch
10 52-ACB-dj Ostfränkisch
11 52-ACB-dk Thüringisch + Obersächsisch
12 52-ACB-dl Hochdeutsch-F.
13 52-ACB-dm Hochdeutsch-G.
14 52-ACB-dn Berlin-Brandenburgisch
15 52-ACB-do Ostmitteldeutsch

Requested by at 2024-04-26 21:48:11 Europe/Berlin.
