covers the "wider Tupian" grouping; comprising 10 sets of languages (= 50 outer languages) spoken or formerly spoken by communities in Brazil and neighbouring regions of South America, from French Guiana to northern Argentina: 88-A NHENGATU+ EMERENYÓN 88-B MAWÉ+ SATERÉ 88-C MUNDURUCÚ+ CURUÁIA 88-D RAMARAMA+ ARARA 88-E MONDÉ+ MEQUEM 88-F CARITIANA+ ARIQUEM 88-G TUPARÍ+ KURATEG 88-H PURUBORÁ 88-I AWETÍ 88-J JURÚNA+ MANITSAWÁ At the centre of the "wider Tupian" grouping is the [88=-AAI] Tupi-Guarani net, which includes not only the modern Guarani language, joint official language in Paraguay, but also the last vestiges of the former "vehicular" Tupi, based originally on coastal idioms (especially Tupinamba) and used widely in 17th and 18th century Brazil. |