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1-4 of 4 matches of 32810 nodes total

Match 1
ID a & Name b 00= MANDIC phylozone
Zone f pdf
Page g 38
LSType i zone
Grouping j phylo
IsNotional k no
Notes l covers the "Mande" grouping (part of the "Congo-Kordofanian", "new Niger-Congo" hypothesis; and part of the "Mande+Songhai" hypothesis); comprising 4 sets of languages (= 35 outer languages) spoken by communities within or around the Niger basin of West Africa: 00-A MANDINKA+ MENDE 00-B SONINKE+ SOROGAMA 00-C SEMBLA+ JUNG 00-D DAN+ SYA
Scale o 7
4 Sets • 13 Chains • 25 Nets • 35 OuterLanguages • 112 InnerLanguages • 220 Dialects • 59 ISO-639-Relatives
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-5-Collective-dmn Mande
GeoEntity C 1 Burkina Faso | Côte d’Ivoire | Gambia | Ghana | Guinea | Guinea-Bissau | Liberia | Mali | Mauritania | Nigeria | Senegal | Sierra Leone
Match 2
ID a & Name b 06= KORDOFANIC phylozone
Zone f pdf
Page g 71
LSType i zone
Grouping j phylo
IsNotional k no
Notes l covers the "Kordofanian" grouping (part of the "Congo-Kordofanian", "new Niger-Congo" hypothesis); comprising 4 sets of languages (= 18 outer languages) spoken by communities in Northeast Africa, in and around the Nuba Hills: 06-A KALAK+ OMURIKI 06-B TORO+ WARNANG 06-C NGILE+ TALODI 06-D TEGALI+ TAGOI excluding [05=] Kufo+ Aigang or "Kadugli+ Keiga" (which had formerly been classified as "Kordofanian")
Scale o 5
4 Sets • 6 Chains • 10 Nets • 18 OuterLanguages • 51 InnerLanguages • 23 Dialects • 19 ISO-639-Relatives
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-5-Collective-kdo Kordofanian
GeoEntity C 1 Sudan
Match 3
ID a & Name b 0= AFRICA geosector
Page g 38
LSType i sector
Grouping j geo
IsNotional k no
Notes l This geosector covers 44 sets of languages (237 outer languages, comprising 763 inner languages) spoken by communities across the African continent south of the Sahara, from West Africa to East Africa, and in southwestern Africa. These sets comprise all languages of Africa not covered by phylosectors 1=Afro-Asian, 3=Austronesian, 5=Indo-European and 9=Transafrican. Zones 00= to 07= cover languages spoken in a belt of great linguistic diversity, extending from Senegal to Tanzania: 00= MANDIC phylozone 01= SONGHAIC phylozone 02= SAHARIC phylozone 03= SUDANIC phylozone 04= NILOTIC phylozone 05= EAST-SAHEL geozone 06= KORDOFANIC phylozone 07= RIFT-VALLEY geozone Zones 08= to 09= cover languages spoken in Southwestern Africa, in and around the Kalahari desert: 08= KHOISANIC phylozone 09= KALAHARI geozone Languages of zones 00= and 01= have constituted a "Mande+ Songhai" hypothesis, and languages of zones 01= to 05= have constituted an overlapping "Nilo-Saharan" hypothesis. Languages of zones 00= and 06= have been included in the "Congo-Kordofanian" or "new Niger-Congo" hypothesis (together with languages of phylosector 9=), and languages of zones 08= (as "Central Khoisan") and 09= (as "North Khoisan" plus "South Khoisan") have constituted the major part of a "wider Khoisan" hypothesis.
10 Zones • 44 Sets • 78 Chains • 136 Nets • 237 OuterLanguages • 763 InnerLanguages • 578 Dialects • 294 ISO-639-Relatives
Match 4
ID a & Name b 9= TRANSAFRICAN phylosector
Page g 622
LSType i sector
Grouping j phylo
IsNotional k no
Notes l This phylosector covers 60 sets of languages (= 802 outer languages, composed of 2,816 inner languages) spoken by communities across the African continent south of the Sahara, from Senegal to South Africa, constituting the Transafrican ("old Niger-Congo less Mande" or "Atlantic-Congo") continental affinity. The dimensions and nature of a more extensive "Niger-Kordofanian" (or "new Niger-Congo") hypothesis are uncertain, and the additional sets involved have been classified within the 0=African geosector (see 00=Mandic and 06=Kordofanic). This phylosector is named Transafrican (rather than "Atlantic-Congo" or "old Niger-Congo less Mande") to maintain the broad geographic nomenclature of all ten sectors of the linguasphere, representing intercontinental or continental entities in each case. Zones 90= to 93= cover languages spoken by communities westwards from Senegal through the northern interior of West and Central Africa as far as northern Congo/Zaire and southern Sudan. 90=ATLANTIC (northern West Atlantic) 91=VOLTAIC (Gur) 92=ADAMAWIC 93=UBANGIC (Eastern) Zones 94= to 97= cover languages spoken by communities westwards from Guinea through the coastal regions of West Africa as far as the Niger Delta. 94=MELIC (southern West Atlantic) 95=KRUIC (Kru) 96=AFRAMIC (western Kwa) 97=DELTIC (Niger-Delta) Zones 98= and 99= cover languages spoken through Nigeria and across the whole continent as far as Tanzania and South Africa. 98=BENUIC (eastern Kwa) 99=BANTUIC (Bantu including Bantoid) The name "Transafrican" is also introduced in the Register as an appropriate label for the continental affinity to which all the languages covered by phylozone 9= belong, by definition. The use of this term provides an escape from the now confusing succession of shifting and overlapping classificatory names, created during the second half of the 20th century from combinations of the river-name Congo (old "Niger-Congo", "new Niger-Congo", "Congo-Kordofanian", "Atlantic-Congo", "Volta-Congo", "Benue-Congo", etc.). It marks a clear boundary between this undisputed affinity (known most recently in the literature as "Atlantic-Congo") and its more speculative enlargements to embrace also the Mande and "Kordofanian" languages (which are treated in the Register under geosector 0=). Although the overall relationship of the languages covered by this phylosector is not in question, the boundaries among certain of their conventional 'branches' (treated here as phylozones) should be regarded as referential rather than historical (see note below on zones 90=, 91=, 92=, 96=, 98= and 99=). Sets of languages covered by zones 90=Atlantic and 97=Deltic are less closely related to other sets in the "Transafrican" affinity than the latter (collectively labelled "Volta-Congo") are among themselves. The external unity of the inter-related sets within each of the zones 90=Atlantic, 91=Voltaic, 92=Adamawic and 96=Aframic (West-Kwa) (among themselves, as potential groupings within the Transatlantic affinity) has not been established, and the sequence of sets covered by each of thes e zones is therefore more safely described as a reference area. The extensive sequence of sets covered by the pair of zones 98=Benuic and 99=Bantuic is likewise treated in the Register as a reference area.
Scale o 7
10 Zones • 60 Sets • 143 Chains • 340 Nets • 802 OuterLanguages • 2813 InnerLanguages • 1776 Dialects • 152 ISO-639-Relatives

1-4 of 4 matches of 32810 nodes total

Requested by at 2024-04-27 00:08:42 Europe/Berlin.
