1-2 of 2 matches of 32810 nodes total |
Match 1 |
id name |
03-AAA-ca Tar-Cenge |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 0-Zones 00-04.pdf |
lsrType |
inner language |
notes |
cenge, tar-cene, cenga, kenge, kenga, kenya, bokiyo |
lsrCountry |
Chad (Guéra) |
GeoEntity |
af•c•TD Chad
Match 2 |
id name |
99-AND-ae To-Cenga |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 9-Zones 95-99.pdf |
lsrType |
inner language |
notes |
-cenga, cinga, tsinga, bantu-A64 ⊕ Mbam, Lékié districts |
lsrCountry |
Cameroon (Centre-Sud) |
GeoEntity |
af•c•CM Cameroon
1-2 of 2 matches of 32810 nodes total |