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1-3 of 3 matches of 32810 nodes total

Match 1
ID a & Name b 12-AAA-a 'Aramita
Zone f pdf
Page g 85
LSName h 'Aramita
LSType i outer language
IsNotional k no
Notes l lishshana-'aramita, "aramaic", "syriac", "assyrian", "chaldean", in [51=] Français: araméen, syriaque, in Hebrew: 'aramiit; including modern "neo-aramaic", "neo-syriac", "neo-chaldean" # lishshana, lishana, lishan =«language» 𝒮 written from c.–900 in "Aramaic" Hebraic, Targumic script; Samaritan script; Nabatean script; Mandaean script; Melkite, Melchite, Syro-Palestinian script; Palmyrene script; Estranguelo Syriac, Estrangelo, Estranguela, Edessene script; Neo-Edessene, Peshitta (=«simple») script; Nestorian Syriac script; Latin script
Script n "Aramaic" Hebraic, Targumic; Samaritan; Nabatean; Mandaean; Melkite, Melchite, Syro-Palestinian; Palmyrene; Estranguelo Syriac, Estrangelo, Estranguela, Edessene; Neo-Edessene, Peshitta; Nestorian Syriac; Latin
Scale o 4
10 InnerLanguages • 32 Dialects • 9 ISO-639-Relatives
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-2-Macrolanguage-syr Syriac | ISO-639-3-Language-aii Assyrian Neo-Aramaic
GeoEntity C 1 Palestine | Syria | Lebanon | Iran | Iraq | Turkey | Azerbaijan | India | Sri Lanka | China
Match 2
ID a & Name b 12-AAA-ag Kald-Oyo
Zone f pdf
Page g 85
LSName h kald-oyo
LSType i inner language
IsNotional k no
Notes l chaldean, "neo-chaldean", kaldani; including bohtan... aradhin... mengesh; including "uniate", "uniate christian" community ➤ linguistically closely linked to the Kurdistan Jewish community (see Nas-Didán, below)
Scale o 5
7 Dialects
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-3-Language-cld Chaldean Neo-Aramaic
GeoEntity C 1 Iraq | Turkey | Syria
Match 3
ID a & Name b 12-AAA-ah Nash-Didán
Zone f pdf
Page g 86
LSName h nash-didán
LSType i inner language
IsNotional k no
Notes l judeo-aramaic, "hebraicised aramaic", "jewish aramaic", "pseudo" judeo-kurdish, lishana noshan, lishanid noshan, lishana deni, lishan hudaye, lishan hozaye, lishana axni, lishana didán, lishana-shel-imrani, hulani, jbeli, lakhlókhi influence < [12=] Ivrit (Hebrew) # sometimes improperly called 'kurdit' (literally «[58=] Kurdish») in [12=] Ivrit; or 'judeo-kurdish' in [52=] English; linguistically closely linked to the Chaldean Christian community (see Kald-oyo, above)
Scale o 4
16 Dialects
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-3-Language-lsd Lishana Deni
GeoEntity C 1 Iraq | Iran | Israel | Armenia | Azerbaijan | Georgia | Russia | Ukraine

1-3 of 3 matches of 32810 nodes total

Requested by at 2024-04-26 23:29:09 Europe/Berlin.
