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1-6 of 6 matches of 32810 nodes total

Match 1
ID a & Name b 04= NILOTIC phylozone
Zone f pdf
Page g 56
LSType i zone
Grouping j phylo
IsNotional k no
Notes l covers the "Nilotic" grouping (part of the "East-Sudanic" hypothesis within the "Nilo-Saharan" hypothesis); comprising 3 sets of languages (= 45 outer languages) spoken by communities in Northeast and East Africa, along or near the Nile and Rift valleys: 04-A LUO+ NAATH 04-B TESO+ MAASAI 04-C NANDI+ BARABA
Scale o 7
3 Sets • 9 Chains • 21 Nets • 45 OuterLanguages • 141 InnerLanguages • 99 Dialects • 55 ISO-639-Relatives
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-5-Collective-sdv Eastern Sudanic | ISO-639-5-Collective-ssa Nilo-Saharan
GeoEntity C 1 Democratic Republic of the Congo | Kenya | Sudan | Tanzania | Uganda
Match 2
ID a & Name b 07= RIFT-VALLEY geozone
Zone f pdf
Page g 74
LSType i zone
Grouping j geo
IsNotional k no
Notes l covers the "Rift-Valley" reference area (composed of sets not covered by any phylozone); comprising 4 sets of languages (=7 outer languages) spoken by hunter-gatherer or former hunter-gatherer communities in Northeast Africa, along the Rift Valley: 07-A ONGOTA 07-B ICIE+ SO 07-C HADZA 07-D SANDAWE Set 07-A has a hypothetical link to languages in the 1=Afro-Asian phylosector. Set 07-B forms part of the "East Sudanic" hypothesis (with languages in zones 04= and 05=). Sets 07-C and 07-D are parts of the "wider Khoisan" hypothesis (with languages in zones 08= and 09=).
Scale o 4
4 Sets • 5 Chains • 7 Nets • 7 OuterLanguages • 7 InnerLanguages • 3 Dialects • 7 ISO-639-Relatives
GeoEntity C 1 Ethiopia | Tanzania | Uganda
Match 3
ID a & Name b 0= AFRICA geosector
Page g 38
LSType i sector
Grouping j geo
IsNotional k no
Notes l This geosector covers 44 sets of languages (237 outer languages, comprising 763 inner languages) spoken by communities across the African continent south of the Sahara, from West Africa to East Africa, and in southwestern Africa. These sets comprise all languages of Africa not covered by phylosectors 1=Afro-Asian, 3=Austronesian, 5=Indo-European and 9=Transafrican. Zones 00= to 07= cover languages spoken in a belt of great linguistic diversity, extending from Senegal to Tanzania: 00= MANDIC phylozone 01= SONGHAIC phylozone 02= SAHARIC phylozone 03= SUDANIC phylozone 04= NILOTIC phylozone 05= EAST-SAHEL geozone 06= KORDOFANIC phylozone 07= RIFT-VALLEY geozone Zones 08= to 09= cover languages spoken in Southwestern Africa, in and around the Kalahari desert: 08= KHOISANIC phylozone 09= KALAHARI geozone Languages of zones 00= and 01= have constituted a "Mande+ Songhai" hypothesis, and languages of zones 01= to 05= have constituted an overlapping "Nilo-Saharan" hypothesis. Languages of zones 00= and 06= have been included in the "Congo-Kordofanian" or "new Niger-Congo" hypothesis (together with languages of phylosector 9=), and languages of zones 08= (as "Central Khoisan") and 09= (as "North Khoisan" plus "South Khoisan") have constituted the major part of a "wider Khoisan" hypothesis.
10 Zones • 44 Sets • 78 Chains • 136 Nets • 237 OuterLanguages • 763 InnerLanguages • 578 Dialects • 294 ISO-639-Relatives
Match 4
ID a & Name b 10-AAA-cf Ta-Rift
Zone f pdf
Page g 82
LSName h ta-rift
LSType i inner language
IsNotional k no
Notes l rift, ta-rifit, ti-rifie, rif, ruafa, rifia, rifi, rifeño, 'shleuh'-N., 'shilha'-N., tamazight-N., part of zenati-NW., in [51=] Français: rifain, rifian ⊕ Rif, Riff massif ¶ the survival and linguistic status of the following communities need to be confirmed
Scale o 6
14 Dialects
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-3-Language-rif Tarifit
GeoEntity C 1 Morocco | Algeria
Match 5
ID a & Name b 52-ACB-ca Mittel-Niederdeutsch
Zone f pdf
Page g 428
LSName h mittel-niederdeutsch
LSType i inner language
IsNotional k no
Notes l mittel-niederdeutsche schriftsprache, "standard middle low german", hansesprache ¶ used as an administrative and also literary idiom from c.1200-1650, based on the confederation of cities in the Hanseatic League ; subsequently submerged < [52=] Hochdeutsch-F. (High German) as official standard language in North Germany ⊕ Hamburg; Bremen; Lübeck... (with usage closest to Lübeck, cf.modern Lübeckisch)
GeoEntity C 1 Deutschland
Match 6
ID a & Name b 52-ACB-dl Hochdeutsch-F.
Zone f pdf
Page g 432
LSName h hochdeutsch-F.
LSType i inner language
IsNotional k no
Notes l high-german, "formal german", "standard german", gepflegtes hochdeutsch (=«cultivated high german»), deutsche schriftsprache (=«german written language»), deutsche hochsprache (=«german high language»), deutsche literatursprache (=«german literary language»), bühnendeutsch (=«stage german»), deutsche standardsprache (=«german standard language»); einheits-sprache (= «unity language»), part of neu-hochdeutsch, "new high german" ; the development of a compromise speech-form (Ausgleichssprache) based on converging forms of German in Thüringen and Sachsen culminated in the 14th cent. written language of the imperial chancellery in Prague, which was in turn consolidated in the written language of the Meissen, Dresden and other Saxon and Thüringian chancelleries, and of the universities of Leipzig and Wittenberg. The determining event for the establishment of modern standard German was the publication of Luther's translation of the Bible in the early 16th cent. To the "national" idioms listed below should be added the written idioms of Hochdeutsch (often archaic or influence < other German or non-German idioms) which correspond to many of idioms of Auswanderungsdeutsch (Émigré German). Idioms are listed below for the countries where German is currently an official language
Scale o 7
5 Dialects
GeoEntity C 1 Deutschland | Österreich | Italy | Schweiz | Liechtenstein | Luxembourg | Belgium | France

1-6 of 6 matches of 32810 nodes total

Requested by at 2024-04-27 06:11:11 Europe/Berlin.
